Tuesday, September 18, 2012

!!! How To Lose Weight By Running Exercise

How To Lose Weight By Running Exercise! Don't underestimate the strength of a smart treadmill workout for burning plenty of fat. I'm a fitness trainer who not just uses this extremely popular exercise equipment, but I have my clients making use of it all the time.

How much fat can treadmill workouts burn?

A LOT. Don't feel that the moving tread cheats you of efficacy. You must work to prevent pulling a George Jetson (i.e., getting tossed backwards and off of the tread). If you still think a moving tread subtracts workload, squeeze machine as much as 10 mph to see how long you last, without cheating by grabbing the bar!

Put the rate at 6 mph, incline at 10 mph, and jog (no holding on). How long could you last? If the settings are high enough, a treadmill will provide you with a terrific fat burning workout.

How to maximize fat loss in a treadmill workout

Do high intensity interval training. This can involve speed just with a zero incline; speed variations having an incline this is the same throughout; a similar speed but incline variations; or, a mix of speed and incline changes.

"HIIT" could keep your body's fat reducing mechanism accelerated for a long time after the workout is completed. This is called the after-burn.

Won't insufficient wind resistance obstruct burning fat on a treadmill?

The presence or lack of wind resistance produces a nominal effect unless you're running into 30 mph sustained winds. Sometimes there will be no breeze outdoors, anyways.

Again, it is back to the treadmill's settings. Set the equipment at the highest values feasible that you can move ahead for only 30 seconds as your baseline high intensity interval. For some, that's 12 mph. For others, it's 8 mph. Learn more about HIIT.

Some people can walk 3.5 mph sustained at fifteen percent incline without waiting on hold. Others won't last beyond one minute at this pace. Find your intensity limits and perform the scientifically proven, weight loss HIIT for your upcoming treadmill session.

If you want to do steady state exercise on the treadmill burning fat, then at least figure out the settings that can cause you to breathe somewhat hard to keep pace.

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