Saturday, December 8, 2012

>>> How To Get Six Pack Abs For Men

How To Get Six Pack Abs For Men! Cardio training zone? Or weight loss zone? I'm a fitness expert, and zip beats the cardio training zone for weight loss. Surprised? People think the "weight loss zone" or "fat burning" button on home cardio equipment is the REAL fat burning supplement. That's because it's name is "fat loss." But this is so very, very misleading! ClickHere. And a lot more! So why, then, is lighter intensity cardio called "weight loss" to begin with?

This is simply because a greater PERCENTAGE of fat is burned while somebody performs light to medium intensity cardio workouts. But who cares about percentage? What counts is TOTAL fat burned. The cardio training zone burns more total fat.


Sadly, you will find personal trainers on the market who can't even explain the gap between the fat loss zone as well as the cardio training zone. Light to moderate cardio exercise is called "weight loss" because about 50 percent of the calories burned are derived from fat, along with the other 1 / 2 of calories result from glucose (blood sugar levels). Now, this 50/50 ratio differs from one person to the next.

For example, in a very highly conditioned athlete, the calories burned rate is more like 70 percent from blubber and only 30 percent from glucose -- even if this gym rat is seated with a hairdryer. In an individual with poor fitness, the scales shift to 70 percent from glucose along with a measly 30 percent from fat. Percentages for calories can very quite a bit. You can imagine exactly what the percentage of fat burn is Michael Phelps.

In general, when a person trains inside the "cardio training zone," the burn rate percentage for fat is LESS than it is for glucose. So this helps it be seem like more blubber is burned at the end in the exercise sessions.

HOWEVER, the cardio training zone burns more TOTAL calories. This means that more total fat is burned. So let's say, by way of example, Michael Phelps swims his hardest for 50 meters, then very slowly swims 50 meters, then swims his fastest for 50 meters, then swims like a turtle for 50 meters, and keeps alternating by doing this for half an hour. This is known as high intensity interval training, as used on swimming laps. High intensity interval training takes place within the cardio zone due to the intensity. Don't let those turtle laps fool you. Overall, switching turtle laps with torpedo laps comes down to a very intense cardio workout.

Let's say in half an hour, Michael Phelps burns 500 calories, and forty percent of those calories was fat burned, and 60 percent of people calories comes from glucose. Now, 40 percent of 500 is 200 fat calories.

Next day, Michael Phelps takes it simple and does just a turtle swim (low intensity) for half an hour. Maybe every so often he accelerates a bit and reaches a medium effort, but never goes full-blast just like the day before. At this low to medium intensity, maybe 50 % of calories burned originates from fat, and the other 50 % comes from glucose.

Isn't 1 / 2 higher than 40 %? Yes. BUT...

You should also consider this: fifty percent of WHAT TOTAL CALORIES? This 30-minute casual swimming might lead to, say, an overall total of only 300 calories burned.

What's fifty percent of 300? It's 150. This means 150 fat calories. The turtle swim, that can place in the "weight loss" zone want . higher number of calories burned originates from fat, actually burns three-fourths LESS total fat than the high-intensity interval swimming session! 150 is three-fourths of 200!

So you've now learned why the cardio training zone burns more blubber overall than the fat burning zone.

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