Saturday, June 30, 2012

Burning Belly Fat Green Tea

Burning Belly Fat Green Tea! I get asked on a regular basis how I may possibly recommend short 20-40 minute workouts when all of us have always been said need to do one hour or more of burning serious body fat...

Here's a better solution:

The reason I can pull off really short workouts is simply because I design them in a method to engage more muscle fiber in fewer exercises. Before this design of intense fat burning, you used to have to work each muscle individually which took forever...

After many years of research and learning from mistakes I now understand that way of exercising is completely inefficient for my busy clients that are trying to lose weight and tone up.

Here's how I was able to trick my own, personal body, along with my clients...

I did away with any exercise that didn't target over 1 body part. What this means is when I wanted to exercise the arms or chest, I would keep these things do a standing cable chest press or a dumbbell ball chest press.

That way there, you're employed your abs, core, and human body with every movement. It's WAY MORE POWERFUL and yes it gets results in half the time (maybe even faster).

Since I always want to give you just as much information as I can to help you succeed with your own personal weight loss or body transformation journey, I shot videos with Sarah a few weeks ago detailing this type of exercise.

I we do hope you enjoy the short video and find out if you can count how many body parts you're working in just this one exercise - this is a start: it really works your glutes, inner thighs, arms, chest, and your entire core!

Check out the video now:


Committed in your success,

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NSAuthor of Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss SystemHealth Consultant for MTV, NutritionData,, Gather, EDGE

>PS. If you're looking for a location to get started take a look at my FREE 5 part eCourse on "How to Lose Belly Fat Starting Today!" offered by:



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