Friday, June 1, 2012

>>> Belly Fat Burning Products

Belly Fat Burning Products! We all know that weight loss programs come and weight loss programs go, some of them are good and several are downright dangerous in your health. The tri-colored eating habits is a good-for-you diet plan with the primary give attention to healthy eating that you can easily maintain for a lifetime, using a secondary concentrate on weight loss.

The premise for the tri-color eating habits is simple; Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables from three main color groups; red, yellow and green. The goal is three serving every day from all the three main color groups to get a total of nine servings per day in addition to the proteins, grains and diary products that you pick. First diet program that I've ever seen that really encourages a dieter to consume more!

But as I stated previously, the tri-color diet program focuses on healthy eating first, fat loss is secondary, but weight reduction will occur when meals are planned across the tri-color palette.

The fruit and veggies in the tri-color palette of red, yellow and green are the type that offer essentially the most health benefits by helping reduce the chances of illnesses like cancer and heart disease while using powerful antioxidants they contain. Also, these tri-colored plant foods have a multitude of natural vitamins and minerals that your body can absorb easily.

There are no hard-and-fast rules while using tri-color diet program, you start out at your own pace and eat foods from the tri-color palette which you like. Just keep adding red, yellow and green fruits and vegetables until you reach the total of nine servings (1/2 cup serving size) per day. The more good-for-you vegetables and fruit that you consume daily, the more unlikely you'll be to reach for that not-so-good-for-you foods.

The red food plant band of the tri-color eating habits includes: tomatoes, red sweet peppers, red onions, red cabbage, red grapes, plums and pink grapefruit.

The yellow plant food group includes: yellow bell pepper, summer and winter squash, pumpkin, carrots, oranges, cantaloupe, peaches and apricots.

When choosing your green colored foods, go while using darkest green possible like spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, mustard, turnip and collard greens, kale and romaine lettuce.

These tri-color fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked (just remember some high-heat cooking methods remove almost all of the nutrients). Vegetable seasonings, like garlic, onions, scallions, and shallots might be added in any amount.

In addition to nine servings of tri-colored vegetables and fruit per day, eat two servings of protein, like fish, chicken, or legumes. (Limit beef to twice per week).

Eat no less than two servings of dairy each day, which might be low-fat milk, yogurt or cheese. Those with lactose intolerance or those who just can't stand dairy products can get their calcium business sources like tofu or canned fish while using bones (sardines, salmon).

The tri-color diet regime recommends eating between 6-11 servings of whole grains daily like whole-wheat bread, pasta, rice, cereal, etc.

Then there is the basic, sound judgment healthy eating advice to the tri-colored diet plan; limit sweets, soda pops and fats.

The tri-color eating habits is easy to implement included in everyday healthy eating for yourself and your family. No calories to count, no exact food measurements to produce, no menu plan to follow. Red, yellow and green would be the way to go for healthy eating and fat loss.


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