The Best Cardio For Bodybuilders! Many people make themselves suffer emotionally, physically as well as socially in terms of losing weight. The result of their efforts is generally weight gain instead of weight loss. To help understand common mistakes people make an internet to lose weight and exactly how someone can lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, I have interviewed psychotherapist Abigail Natenshon.
Tell me a tiny bit about yourself. "I am a psychotherapist that has, within the last 40 years, committed to treating eating disordered patients in addition to their families. As the author of When your Child has an Eating Disorder: a Step-by-Step Workbook for Parents and Other Caregivers (Jossey Bass Publishers 1999) and Doing What Works: an Integrative System for the Treatment of Eating Disorders from Diagnosis to Recovery (NASW Press, 2009) I am also the founder and director of Eating Disorder Specialists of Illinois: A Clinic Without Walls."
"In addition, I am a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and I have enjoyed pioneering in using this mind/body strategy to help heal eating disorders and body image disturbances. I host three informative web sites for patients and parents ( for medical researchers ( and then for children and teens (
What are normal mistakes people make when trying to lose fat? "The most common mistake people make is always to assume that dieting is the best way to shed weight. In fact, dieting damages your metabolism and results in extra weight, not loss. Many people believe the healthiest way of eating is devoid of fat eating and/or eating only once hungry, but this is not the case. Instinctive eating (eating only if hungry) does not work for most people unless these are already very healthy eaters with well- functioning hunger and satiety cues. Healthy eating entails eating three balanced and varied meals a day, (each containing all of the food groups,) along with at least one hefty snack (mini-meal) at 4:00 PM. People need to be aware of that food just isn't fattening, and fitness has little related to thinness."
What type of impact can those mistakes don their overall life? "When people abuse food in addition to their body in the effort to become, and to remain thin by restricting food, it can result in a consistent preoccupation with and guilt about eating, aside from creating physiological conditions can cause death. As much as 80% with the cognitive mind can become unavailable for learning and concentration as a consequence of an obsession with thoughts about eating and the fear of becoming fat. Unhealthy eating lifestyles and disordered diet regime (which could consist of binging, dieting, skipping meals, restricting food) could lead to overweight and obesity; children who diet are bound to get overweight adults. Otherwise benign eating dysfunctions can develop into clinical eating disorders when disordered eaters carry a family history of, and genetic propensity for, addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders, perfectionistic temperaments, OCD, etc. Clinical eating disorders will be the most lethal of all mental health disorders, causing death in 6 to13 percent of cases."
How can someone slim down and live a healthier lifestyle? "In the face of a clinical eating disorder, individuals need to obtain expert professional help so that they can heal, re-integrating their personality and core self that becomes exiled through this disease. If obese, one needs to learn the way to eat differently, not less -- to switch his or her eating lifestyle -- .eating nutritious, balanced and varied meals the whole day. Many people are not aware that there is a significant genetic component involved in obesity onset. According to Myers.M.D. (2004) about 80% of kids with two obese parents will end up obese and 40% of kids with one obese parent will become obese; 15% of people that have normal weight parents will end up obese. Ultimately, healthy eating enables people to arrive at their ideal and sustainable set point weight. "
What last advice would you like to give to somebody that wants to lose weight naturally and live a healthier lifestyle? "The best way to lose weight naturally is to eat regularly, 3 balanced meals, including all the food groups and at least one snack per day. For the individual who wants to shed pounds, it is important to find out to set up a more balanced and fearless relationship with food. It can be necessary to work with a nutritionist who are able to educate you (and refute misconceptions) about what healthy eating truly is, and who can provide a venue for making changes with guidance and support. Through healthy eating, a person might re-learn how to trust the well-fed body to achieve a healthy set point weight, in which the body might be relied upon to remain nourished and fit without resorting to dieting or the fear of excessive extra weight. A psychotherapist and a medical doctor ought to be consulted in the event of the clinical eating disorders."
Thank you Abigail for doing an interview on how to shed pounds and live a healthier lifestyle. For more information on Abigail Natenshon, MA, LCSW, GCFP or her work, you can check out her websites on or
Resource: Myers.M.D. (2004) Compulsive Overeating (binge seating disorder for you). Available at
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